woensdag 16 september 2009

PHP event listener C# way example

Beware as it is untested.

// The event object

class DelegateObject
public $InvocationString;
public __construct( $InvocationString )
$this->InvocationString = $InvocationString;
public Invoke( )

class EventObject extends DelegateObject
public $EventSource;
public $Listener;
public __construct( $EventSource, $Listener, $InvocationString )
$this->EventSource = $EventSource;
$this->Listener = $Listener;
$this->InvocationString = $InvocationString;

class EventDispatcher
public AddListener( $EventName, $Listener, $FunctionName )
$e = new EventObject( $this, $Listener, '$this->Listener->' . $FunctionName . '($this->EventSource)' );
$ListenerProperty = $EventName . '_Listeners';
$this->$ListenerProperty[] = $e;

public FireEvent( $EventName )
$ListenerProperty = $EventName . '_Listeners';
foreach($this->$ListenerProperty as $Listener)
$Listener->Invoke( );

// the Classes:

class SmokeAlarm extends EventDispatcher
public $Location;

public __construct( $Location )
$this->Location = $Location;

public Smoke( )
$this->FireEvent( "Smoke" );

class HouseAlarm
public Fire( $SmokeAlarm )
echo 'Fire ' . $SmokeAlarm->Location . '!';

$SmokeAlarm_2ndFloor = new SmokeAlarm( 'on the second floor' );
$SmokeAlarm_LivingRoom = new SmokeAlarm( 'in the living room' );
$HouseAlarm = new HouseAlarm( );

// Binding the listener
$SmokeAlarm_2ndFloor->AddListener( "Smoke", $HouseAlarm, "Fire" );
$SmokeAlarm_LivingRoom->AddListener( "Smoke", $HouseAlarm, "Fire" );

// test
$SmokeAlarm_2ndFloor->Smoke( );
$SmokeAlarm_LivingRoom->Smoke( );

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